Last month, 26th and 27th September, GamEUfying’s consortium partners -CEIPES, from
Italy, Rosto Solidario, from Portugal, and ASPAYM and the Consejo de la Juventud de
Castilla y Leon, from Spain- met at Palermo, Sicily, for celebrating the second Transnational
Meeting of this Erasmus+ project.
One of the main milestones of these days has been the presentation of the games created
by the four associations as part of the project. Games include diverse puzzles, a game
board, an escape box and a virtual escape room, all of them covering different topics related
to the EU, as some of its famous historic characters, its cultural heritage, its main Institutions,
or the current opportunities offered by the EU to the youth. The objective is to improve
youth’s knowledge about the EU and encourage the European Citizenship by employing
The partners have tested the games together in order to acquire feedback and get ready for
the exciting next step to be taken: to involve the youth from the four European countries. In
the following months, the consortium partners will hold various encounters with their local
youngsters in order to allow them to test the games by themselves. In addition, youth
participants will have the opportunity to be chosen for participating in Learning and Training
Activity that will reunite participants from the three countries in Spain in February 2024.