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GamEUfying: time to play together!

During the month of November, GamEUfying partners have organized two encounters with the students of I.I.S.S Stenio, at Termini Imerese, Sicily, in order to test with external participants for the first time the games created as part of this Erasmus+ project, which proposes gamification as an innovative methodology for supporting the youth in learning about the European Union. 

During the two encounters, GamEUfying consortium has presented the games developed jointly by all the partners, which includes two spanish associations, ASPAYM and Consejo de la Juventud de Castilla y León; one Italian, CEIPES, and a portuguese partner, Rosto Solidario. The games include: one card game and a crossword puzzle focused on learning about european countries’ culture, traditions and famous characters; an escape box about the process and requirements for joining the EU; a virtual escape room presenting the programmes and opportunities offered by the EU to european youngsters; and a gameboard with questions regarding the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030. 

The feedback provided by the participants was more than positive: they affirmed that they have enjoyed the games and that they have learned many new things that they didn’t know before about the EU. Also, they experienced the benefits of gamification in the first person, since they confirmed to have felt a higher level of motivation and engagement through the proposed activities. 

Now that the testing phase in Italy has been concluded, GamEUfying consortium is ready to invite youngsters from Spain and Portugal to test the games as well. If you neither want to miss all the updates, don’t forget to follow GamEUfying social pages!